Birds Are Racist?

Nearly 80 different bird species will be renamed to combat racism.

Yes, now I’ve heard it all folks.

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

I was today years old when I learned that 80 species of bird names are in fact, RACIST!

Yes, you heard that right, RACIST!

So in an effort to combat this problem many of us had no idea existed, the American Ornithological Society announced plans to change the names of nearly 80 bird species.

Apparently some English bird names and monikers derive from white men with “objectively horrible pasts,” linked to racism and slavery.

A committee formed in 2021 has been working diligently to compile a list of all of the offensive bird names to be changed and the guidance has finally been released, at last.

Changing names and erasing parts of history have been all the rage since the summer justice riot season of 2020.

This cancel culture has failed to produce any tangible results or noticeable benefit but it makes social justice warriors and virtue signalers FEEL like they’ve done something.

What a joke.

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at