Ret. Gen. Jack Keane: Israel Pausing the Ground Invasion of Gaza Would Be “Absolutely Ludicrous”

General Jack Keane, a retired 4 star general, the chairman of the Institute for the Study of War, and Fox News Senior Strategic Analyst, joined the Guy Benson Show to talk about the latest from Israel, the current ground invasion of Gaza and whether Israel should consider a temporary ceasefire. They also discuss the talking point of Israel bombing civilian points, and why these points are actually valid military targets. Guy and Gen. Keane also discuss the role that Iran is playing in the war in Israel, and why Iran needs to face retribution for their role in the attacks on Israel, as well as the attacks on US bases in the region.  Listen to the full interview below.

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Keane had this to say on whether Israel should consider a ceasefire:

“Israel is in the middle of a complicated operation in terms of that ground operation, and they haven’t been at it even a week. I mean, it’s absolutely ludicrous to think that they would stop that operation when they’re trying to gain tactical advantage over an adversary that favors the defense. Urban defense is always weighted in favor of those who are defending in the city. So this is a formidable task that they’re up against.”