Democratic strategist Kevin Walling joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to share his reaction to all of the antisemitic demonstrations that have taken place in major cities and on college campuses throughout the U.S. since Hamas’ horrifying attack against Israel on October 7th.

“The fact that, you know, Jews in this country make up about two and a half percent of the population. Chris Wray yesterday, FBI director, talked about that, two and a half percent of the population, they got 60 percent of the religious based threats, violence. I mean, we just marked five years since the Tree of Life synagogue, 11 Jewish Americans slaughtered in their congregation. And I don’t know what the hell is going on on these college campuses. I don’t even think they’re Democrats. I don’t think they ascribe to party labels, you know,  we can get into party politics and stuff like that. But I think there’s so far radicalized to some degree that it’s also, I think you’ve got some true believers. Right? And then I think you just have this mob mentality and we talked about this a little bit where, it’s almost in vogue to have that video of you protesting with the Palestinian flag. Get that for your likes. And I mean, the culture for Gen Z is so much about likes and retweets and reposts that that now is what is driving this. And we’ve seen on the algorithms side for TikTok and stuff like that, that’s driving so much of this too.”

Plus, Kevin and Jimmy talk about why President Biden’s support among Arab-Americans has dropped to 17 percent. Listen to the podcast to hear what else he had to say!