Biden Blocked From Cutting TX Razor Wire!

A federal judge blocks the Biden Administration from cutting or removing razor wire used to protect Texas from the wide open border.

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

If the Biden Administration has no plans to protect and secure our southern border, Texas has every right to do it themselves and that’s precisely why the state not only deployed its National Guard but also set up razor wire as a barrier.

And now, thanks to a restraining order issued by a federal judge, the Biden Administration won’t be able to disassemble, degrade, cut, remove or tamper with that razor wire!

This is a small victory for the Lone-Star State which has been fighting tooth and nail with the federal government to be able to protect and defend itself from the lawless policies directly impacting their border state.

Texas has been absolutely inundated with illegal immigrants and if blue states think they’ve got it bad with a few dozen busloads, they have no idea what Texas has had to endure.

Texas is our first line of defense and so is that razor wire!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at