New Jersey District CANCELS Halloween

A New Jersey school district has CANCELLED Halloween citing diversity, equity and inclusion values.

Liberals suck the fun out of everything!

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

South Orange & Maplewood School District in New Jersey has effectively cancelled Halloween this year, nixing all school-wide celebrations and costume wearing during school hours.

Superintendent Dr. Ronald G Taylor made the move due to “diversity, incision and equity” concerns and sensitivity to various cultures who may be offended.

What a crock of crap! Halloween is supposed to be a whimsical time of year and serve as a light-hearted day of fun and fantasy, but leave it to liberals to make it somehow malicious or offensive.

I still fail to understand how Halloween costumes equal unacceptable levels of “cultural appropriation,” but men dressing as women, using our restrooms, or competing on our sports teams is deemed fine and dandy!

Kids need to learn to build up a thick skin and not be offended by every little thing. This coddling by administrators not only ruins the fun, but disrupts their social growth!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at