MORE Money to…Ukraine?!

Another multi billion dollar aid package request from Biden and hint hint the biggest benefactor is- once again- Zelenskyy.

And the uni-party, well they are all for it.

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

Last week Biden delivered a stuttering mess of an Oval Office address where he stressed the importance of supporting Israel but also took the opportunity to pivot to his favorite topic, the endless funding of Ukraine.

I’m sure as our Israeli allies are comforted to know that while Biden is requesting $14 billion to assist their effort to demolish Hamas, he is seeking an additional $60 billion for Ukraine and is tying Israel’s aid money to Ukraine’s money- holding it hostage.

This is part of a larger request for a total of $105 billion for this emergency funding. Important to note we don’t have $105 billion to give so I guess we’ll just keep running up the debt with Monopoly money and hope no one can count.

But the uni-party is fine with this. The uni-party loves dealing in monopoly money!

This is 18 people on the terror watch list attempted to cross our border in the month of September, alone.

America Last is the uni-party motto and you’re paying for it!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at