Rogue Off-Duty Pilot Tries to Shut Down Engines Mid Flight?!

An off-duty pilot is charged with attempted murder after allegedly trying to shut down the engines mid-flight!

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

Whether it’s lavatory floor feces, farting dogs, crying babies or hours-long delays followed by cancellations, the in-flight experience has really taken a dive.

And now this, an off-duty Alaska airlines pilot was charged with 83 counts of attempted murder after allegedly trying to shut down the engines mid-flight.

The flight to San Francisco was diverted to Portland after this terrifying incident occurred.

The flight’s crew captain said this off-duty pilot was in the jump seat when he attempted to interfere with the engines.

Luckily, the plane landed safely with no injuries and the 44-year-old rogue pilot was promptly arrested.

The motive for this is still unknown but it can’t be good.

Between this, the ticket prices and the service interruptions, I’d rather take my chances with a cross country drive at this point!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at