Rep. Young Kim (R-CA-40): Gavin Newsom’s Trip to California “a Missed Opportunity”, “Ceases All Leverage”

Congresswomen Young Kim (R-CA-40), member of the House Foreign Affairs and Financial Services Committees, respectively, joined the Guy Benson Show to discuss the  latest on the floor of the House and the ongoing fight to elect a new Speaker, even as the House GOP continues to disagree on who the new House leader should be. Rep Kim also discusses California Governor Gavin Newsom’s current trip to China, and how the governor continues to waste his time and his leverage by refusing to condemn human rights abuses in the country. Listen to the full interview below.

Full Interview:

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Rep. Kim had this to say about Newsom’s current trip to China:

“For him not to talk about how pro-democracy activists and journalists are silenced and thrown into jail and talking not talking about Tibetans who are constantly under cultural genocide and not talking about how across China people are subject to torture, unjust imprisonment… not talking about these issues, to just talk about like carbon neutrality and all of that stuff. While that may be important for him, look, it’s a missed opportunity and it’s ceding all leverage if he doesn’t talk about these human rights concerns and fentanyl crises that is happening in his own state. And it’s further by ceding all that leverage, it warrants the American companies to be more complicit.”