Joe Concha on the Media Still Trusting Hamas Sources: “I Mean, What the Hell?!?”

Joe Concha, Fox News Contributor & author of the brand new book Come On, Man!: The Truth About Joe Biden’s Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad Presidency, joined the Guy Benson Show to discuss the latest news surrounding the war in Israel and the insane media coverage surrounding the conflict. Benson and Concha discuss the slant that the media has had when covering Hamas, as some even refuse to call the group “terrorists”.  They discuss the importance of using strong language to condemn Hamas, and you can listen to the full interview below.

Full Interview:

Full Podcast:

Concha had this to say on the media’s coverage of the ongoing tragedy in Israel:

“What the hell? This is somebody who writes for New York magazine and you’re going through the nuance of beheading a baby. That’s what I mean… I’m not really an angry person. I’m pretty much a happy go lucky guy. I’ve never been more angry than I have been over the past week when I read stuff like this on social media.”