Fox News contributor Johnny Joey Jones joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to share his thoughts on the calls by Michigan Rep. Rashida Talib, Missouri Rep. Cori Bush and a few other Democratic lawmakers for President Biden to work toward an immediate cease-fire between Israel and Hamas.

“War is horrible. It’s terrible. It’s the worst thing. As someone who has fought two wars, you won’t find a bigger pacifist when it comes to opportunity to not get into a war than me because I know the price of war isn’t losing my legs as a combatant. The price of war is innocent civilian blood. That is the price of war, no matter who’s creating it or who’s defending themselves. It happens. It happens sometimes by intent, sometimes it happens accidentally. But it will happen. It is guaranteed. It is as true as the sun will come up tomorrow. You do not engage in war as a short fuse, as a quick decision. I have no reservations that the Israeli government has waited this long to look at an operation like this for that reason, and they feel like they have no other option. Now, you can say that they’ve done things wrong. They’ve done this wrong. You can say that the land belongs to the Palestinians. I got news for you. The land belongs to whoever won the last war. That’s the way the world works. That’s how this world works. So if you want something different, you better get a big army and go win all the wars. That’s how people are. I hate it. I wish it were different, but it is absolutely the truth when it comes to human beings. The people with their head in the clouds who feel like they aren’t for much, but  think Israel can defend itself, not just today, but in the future without engaging in war, I want to know what textbook they got it out of so I can put it on the pile next time we’re burning books.”

Johnny Joey also weighs in on all the chaos surrounding the efforts to elect a new House Speaker. Listen to the podcast to hear what else he had to say!