Marc Thiessan on AOC Calling Israel Fighting Back ‘Collective Punishment’: “That is an Absolute Boldfaced Lie”

Marc Thiessen, columnist at The Washington Post, Fox News contributor, fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, and co-host of the podcast ‘What the hell is going on: Making sense of the world”, joined the Guy Benson Show to talk the latest on ‘the squad’ and their latest call for a ceasefire in the Israel-Palestine War. Offering moral clarity, he calls AOC’s claim that Israel’s defense is ‘collective punishment’ a “boldface lie”. Thiessen also talks the open letter calling the invasion of Israel “breaking out” of Gaza. Listen to the full interview below.

Full Interview:

Listen to the Full Podcast:

Thiessen had this to say about AOC calling Israel fighting back “collective punishment”:

“Israel by contrast has sent text messages to civilians… and warned them to leave. What does Hamas do? They setup roadblocks to prevent them from leaving… There is no collective punishment. That is an absolute boldfaced lie.”