Tennessee Republican Senator Marsha Blackburn joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to explain why she spearheaded the effort to have the Biden administration freeze the $6 billion in funds released to Iran last month under its prisoner exchange deal with the U.S.

“The fact that the Obama years they did the JCPOA with Iran. They got money, resources at that point. And then here comes Biden. A lot of the same people still involved. Jake Sullivan kind of leading the list there, who has proven himself to be completely incompetent when it comes to looking at the Middle East and has quite a record of giving bad advice to either the Obama administration or the Biden administration. And what he’s doing endangers Americans. So, you know, we’ve got a group in this administration that need to realize the world is a very dangerous place and that you cannot mollify or appease these terrorist groups. And we also know that Iran supplies I think it’s a little bit north of 90 percent of the budget for both Hamas and Hezbollah. And these proxy organizations, other terrorist organizations, they are perfectly fine with funding them and having them do the dirty work.”

Senator Blackburn also talks about what her office is doing to try and help safely evacuate Americans trapped in Israel. Listen to the podcast to hear what else she had to say!