Biden’s “Wall Thing”

Biden says walls don’t work but he’s still waiving 26 federal laws to allow for constriction of 20 miles of wall…

The math aint mathing, Joe!

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

Walls work which is precisely why the Left is so against them. Yet, Biden’s very own administration recently waived 26 federal laws to allow for 20 miles of border wall construction in South Texas…

Joe maintains he has to use already appropriated wall funds but let’s get real, this isn’t about the law, it’s about the optics.

Democrats know they have to at least APPEAR to do something about the border invasion or risk ticking off their own blue sanctuary city constituents who are being inundated with thousands of illegals.

But beware, folks, this is all a facade.

Democrats are not suddenly concerned with border security. They know that it’s an electoral liability. They have already allowed millions to invade our country. They’re OK with shutting off the spigot for a year and a half to get reelected and will then open it wide up again.

Do not be fooled.

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at