LA Goes Full Purge

Crime is rampant in America but Democrat leaders don’t care as they continue to enact more policies to coddle felons.

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

New York, New Jersey, the entire state of Illinois, and many more blue cities across the nation have put “bail reform” measures in place to coddle felons.

Democrat leaders look around at the carnage and the thuggery and the filth and say, “yep what we really need here is the mass release of perpetrators, assailants, predators and degenerates.”

But let’s not forget about California. The shining example of idiotic policies and the home, the poster-child, the gold standard for felon-coddling lawlessness.

In LA, they’ve decided to just pull the lever and pretty much go full purge mode on their cities and streets.

So starting this week all “non-violent” offenders will be released back on the streets instead of being held in jail and new perps will likely never see a jail cell at all.

Advocates say this is more equitable because cash bail is racist and puts poor criminals at a disadvantage.

If you can’t afford Christmas this year, may I suggest a plane ticket to LA county where the 5-finger-discount makes everyday not just Black Friday, but Christmas morning.

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at