“Meatball” Charged with SIX Felonies!

“Meatball” the Philly looting cheer captain, has been slapped with SIX felony charges!

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

Last week a popular shopping district in Philadelphia was ransacked, pillaged and looted by teen thugs who, once again, used the phony guise of “justice” to go buck wild.

One of those degenerates is a social media influencer named “Meatball” who boasts over 600,000 followers. Meatball thought it would be good content to live-stream the looting and encourage her fellow miscreants to ramp up their efforts.

It was all fun and games for Meatball UNTIL she was arrested and charged with SIX felonies including: burglary, criminal trespassing, conspiracy and criminal mischief.

She can be seen crying in her mugshot but I feel ZERO sympathy for her and her friends.

Whether she will ever do hard time for her actions is questionable given the felon-coddling system, but I hope they throw the book at her.

The message NEEDS to get out loud and clear, if you loot, riot, pillage, destroy and steal, YOU WILL be thrown in the clink and YOU WILL serve time.

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at Outkick.com