Hunter Biden has been indicted on federal gun charges but will he actually serve hard time?

I won’t hold my breath!

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

After the first Hunter Biden sweetheart plea deal fell through in July, federal prosecutors have now indicted on three counts linked to his possession of a gun while on illicit drugs.

If you’ll recall he LIED on a federally mandated gun form. Two of the counts come with a max sentence of 10 years and the other, a max of five.

But do I think the President’s son will serve any time when this is all said and done? No. No I do not.

He’s got that liberal privilege and we all know how well that works out in the court of law.

Still, this does poke a pretty big hole in the Democrats’ very own “gun safety” narrative given the president’s son certainly wasn’t practicing gun safety or any form of safety.

And I plan to remind Joe about that every time one of his staff robot programmers tweets out some disingenuous tweet about gun violence!

Hunter may very well be the achilles heel of the entire Democrat Party and the cards are just a little bit closer to falling right into place!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at