Goodbye Free Refills

McDonald’s plans to phase out their self-serve soft drinks machines by 2032.

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

Fast foodies, the Golden Arches have betrayed us.

McDonald’s plans to phase out their self-serve soft drinks machines by 2032, yes, infringing on our God-given right to free refills!

That means in less than 10 years, you will not be able to fill and refill your own drinks should you brave going inside a McDonald’s dining room.

Now to some this might not seem like a big deal but I sense a conspiracy. They don’t want to entice people to come inside. That’s what this is about. And they don’t want to entice people to come inside because that means hiring more people to manage the inside!

First they took away the ball pits **TWO BOX BALL PITS** where many of us Millennials built up our immune systems, then they started lying about the ice cream machines being “broken,” and now this.

This hits home, folks. As many of my friends function solely on Diet Coke from the McDonald’s self-serve fountains. Another iconic American INSTITUTION RUINED!

They might as well paint the arches black at this point and get it over with!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at