Retired NYPD inspector Paul Mauro joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to share his reflections on how policing in New York City drastically changed after the September 11th terrorist attacks.

“We were all told it was the end of New York City. You’re not going to be able to police it because you’ve got to do counterterrorism now. The city’s never coming back from this tragedy. We’re done. And you can’t drive crime down any further because you don’t have the bodies, because everybody’s got to do counterterrorism and nobody wants to come to New York because it’s toxic and all sort of stuff. And it’s dangerous. The exact opposite occurred, because they let the police do what they are capable of and they got the benefit of the doubt, New York City had a resurgence. It was such a renaissance that they passed a bill to keep Bloomberg in office for another four years because he was term-limited out of eight and you got 12 years. And look, by the end, you know, Bloomberg probably should have gone earlier, etc.. But that said, you got a renaissance that New York probably has never seen. The trillions of dollars of investment, business, tourism, all of that came from the fact that post-9/11, you were able to secure the place, make it safe, and it became dreamland again. And then all it took was de Blasio to come in and tell everybody, no, the cops are the bad guys. Don’t you get it? The cops are no good. And we reimagined policing, as he put it. And what he just really did is eliminate it. And as a result, we have a city that’s going in the wrong direction that’s going to go bankrupt according to its own mayor, that doesn’t have any policy relative to the migrants. People are leaving, businesses are leaving. And it all comes from the fact that they no longer let the police do this. Then they passed laws to prevent it. And this is what we’ve got.”

Paul also tells Jimmy about his personal 9/11 experience. Listen to the podcast to hear what else he had to say!