Praying Coach Returns to the Field

The high school football coach who was fired for praying after games returned to the field for the season opener!

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

In a huge victory for the First Amendment, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of high school football coach Joseph Kennedy who was FIRED for praying not the 50-yard-line after games.

Not only did he win a $1.7 million dollar settlement, he was also reinstated as a coach at the high school.

He returned to the field for the season opener and with the glory of God and his big Supreme Court victory under his belt, took a knee to praise and thank God just as he’s always done.

This might seem like a small gesture at a small high school in Washington state, but the significance and the message this sends is much bigger than that.

There’s a concerted effort to rid our nation of God and godliness, and unfortunately that effort usually prevails.

But not this time. This time free speech, free expression and freedom of religion triumphed and we have Coach Kennedy to thank for taking his case all the way to the highest court.

God bless liberty and God bless football season!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at