Brian Kilmeade: Washington Post Didn’t Ask “One Single Question” About Hunter Biden, Criticize Shokin Questioning

Brian Kilmeade, Host of The Brian Kilmeade Show, Co Host of Fox and Friends. Host of One Nation with Brian Kilmeade on FNC & bestselling author joined the Guy Benson Show to discuss his blockbuster interview with the fired Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin who was in charge of investigating the Biden family. This is the first known interview of Shokin by an American Media Outlet. Listen to Kilmeade and Guy break down the interview below.

Full Interview:

Kilmeade had this to say about the interview with Viktor Shokin:

“The Washington Post reached out to me to ask me why I didn’t have a follow up question about why why he feels that Biden had bribes in… They didn’t even call one of these people on the laptop correspondences… How about you ask one question?”