Airline Collision “Near Misses” on the Rise

Airline collision near misses are on the rise…just in case traveling wasn’t miserable enough in 2023.

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

Flying these days sucks. Delays, cancellations..oh and… the threat of airline collisions IS on the rise. Comforting, right?!

The New York Times did an investigation that found airplanes are nearly colliding multiple times A WEEK!

In fact, there have been at least 46 of these close calls in the last month alone nationwide!

And why, you ask?

Shortages and errors with air traffic control.

Just a couple weeks ago two planes nearly collided over the Phoenix airport and the cause…human error.

The FAA is well aware of the problem but officials say a lack of air traffic controllers is causing the takeoff and landing mayhem.

And that issue isn’t likely to be resolved anytime soon. It takes about 2 years to train for the position and that’s IF we even have candidates that want to sign up for the job!

And to make matters worse down the road.. there’s been rumors that forced airline masking might be on the horizon.

Travel is about to get a whole lot worse, my friends.

But at least gas is cheap, right? WRONG!

We are screwed.

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at