White House Still Pushing COVID Fear Tactics

Joe Biden is pushing COVID vaccine boosters again!

We knew this was coming. The Left is trying to make COVID a thing again.

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

Summer is not yet over but just like clockwork, the Left is already trying to push “winter of COVID doom” hysteria, and of course, their beloved COVID vaccine.

This week Joe posted a photo of himself rolling up his sleeve for yet another booster shot.

This comes as the CDC is flagging a resurgence of COVID..which for most Americans..amounts to a glorified cold.

COVID numbers are up, but nowhere near pandemic levels. So why the fear tactics are already being pushed is beyond me.

Look, they can push this hysteria all they want but if they think we are EVER gonna be subjected to forced masks, vaxxes, and shutdowns again, they are sorely mistaken.

Shutting down to “flatten the curve” was the biggest ruse the government has pulled on us in modern history.

Generational learning loss, a mental health crisis, and economic doom is what that COVID era response brought us.

May we NEVER be dumb or naive enough to ever fall for it again!

I, for one, will never be forced into a face diaper, ever again!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at Outkick.com