Listless Vessels

“Listless vessels,” Governor Ron DeSantis steps in a hot pile of MAGA over recent comments some say are directed at Trump supporters.

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

As if being tied for second with Vivek Ramaswamy wasn’t enough to put a damper on the Governor’s week, his recent comments and two words “listless vessels” have set off a feeding frenzy amongst Trump supporters.

When I listened to his full explanation and the full clip, I didn’t take it as him calling Trump supporters “listless vessels.”

I took it as, if all our movement does is listen to Trump and take whatever he says on Truth Social as the gospel, we are doomed to be listless vessels and the movement extinct.

Did it come off horribly? Yes.

He needs Trump supporters, he can’t win without Trump supporters. We all know that.

He’s gotta walk a very fine line that no other Trump competitor has had to. DeSantis is the only Trump challenger who has been labeled a traitor and labeled a RINO simply for running against Trump. Are the rest of them disloyal? Because not even Mike Pence of all people, has had to walk that line.

Either way, Governor Ron DeSantis is gonna take a hit for that one and I’m sure somewhere a MAGA influencer is screen printing the phrase “listless vessels” on T-shirts as we speak!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at