ENTIRE Police Force Resigns in One MN Town

The ENTIRE police force resigns in one Minnesota town.

I’ve heard of the “blue flu” but this is on another level!

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

The mayor of Goodhue, Minnesota got a rude awakening this month when his ENTIRE police force resigned, including the police chief.

And not only that, the town can’t find anyone who wants to sign up for the position.

Zero applicants and zero prospects.

A local city councilman blames this massive “blue flu” on low pay and competition from larger towns and cities but I think there’s more to it.

Police officers around the country have been degraded, demonized, and demoralized. Is it really a wonder few want to sign up for the job?

Police work has never been easy but in the last 10 years, it’s become not only physically more dangerous, but mentally and emotionally as well.

If we don’t address this, as a nation, we may soon see the day when what happened in this town of Goodhue, Minnesota is replicated in other cities and towns, nationwide.

Law enforcement is more than a job, it’s a calling. BUT you can’t expect people to answer the call when they know their ability to make a real difference will be hindered and undermined at every turn.

God bless our officers.

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at Outkick.com