Looking Back at Afghanistan Withdrawal HORROR SHOW

This week marks the two year anniversary of the disastrous and deadly Afghanistan withdrawal. The one Joe Biden and pals still call “an extraordinary success” as if we are stupid.

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

Two years ago the US withdrew forces from Afghanistan, something that in it of itself is not a problem.

It was the WAY the Biden Administration handled it that made for a horror show, and a deadly one at that.

Yet, Joe Biden saw it as an “extraordinary success.”

I guess the death of 13 American service members, 11 of whom were still in preschool on 9/11, is “success” to Joe.

Or maybe Afghani citizens clinging to the side of airplanes trying to escape the Taliban is what Joe calls a job well done.

Well in reality, it was a disaster and a horrific failure of leadership.

Women and children were trampled to death outside the gates of the Kabul airfield.

Afghans fell from the landing gear of departing planes.

Taliban fighters whipped and humiliated U.S. civilians trying to access the few square miles still controlled by American forces and interpreters who worked alongside US troops for years were left at the mercy of the Taliban.

If that’s Joe’s idea of “success’ I shudder to think what “failure” looks like!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at Outkick.com