Save the Whales!

Another dead whale has washed up on the East Coast, raising eyebrows about the impact of offshore wind power on these giants of the sea.

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

Over the weekend, yet another humpback whale washed up on the Jersey coast, the 60th such incident since December of last year.

While we still don’t have a definitive conclusion as to why this keeps happening, many speculate it has a lot to do with the offshore wind development off the coasts of Rhode Island and New Jersey.

A new documentary “Thrown to the Wind” explores this theory and suggests that the wind industry’s high-decibel pile driving and boot activity is to blame for the uptick in whale deaths on the East Coast.

A spokesperson from “Save the Whales Coalition” says the sonar blasting that comes along with offshore wind projects interferes with whales’ ability to hear and causes them to be unable to navigate away from large ships and other dangers.

This comes as lawmakers recently approved legislation that will allow for the construction of a massive offshore wind power port.

Perhaps the “Big Green” lobby isn’t as concerned with Mother Earth as they proclaim to be….


I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at