Over 100 Colleges STILL Mandate COVID Vax!

Did you know over 100 colleges are still mandating COVID vaccines for students?!

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

Did you think one of the dumbest times in modern American history- the COVID era- was over?

Well not at over 100 colleges across the US where the COVID vaccine mandate is still in effect for students!

Yes, despite what we know about the efficacy of COVID vaccines and the low risk COVID itself poses for young people, there are still 104 colleges that have held on to the ridiculous and tyrannical COVID vaccine mandate.

Included in that list: University of Pittsburgh, Rutgers, as well as San Diego State.

Get this, Rutgers will even reportedly begin “disenrolling students who have not complied with COVID vaccine mandates” in just a couple weeks.

This is madness! There is no justification for this given the COVID vaccine- in however many doses- DOES NOT AND WILL NOT prevent the infection or spread of COVID.

What this boils down to is control and the inability of so-called experts to admit they’ve been wrong about COVID and COVID vaccines from the jump.

This is ego and idiocy rolled into one.

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at Outkick.com