The woke crowd is all in a tizzy over a Jason Aldean music video because apparently, “mostly peaceful” protesting doesn’t look so good when you actually show it.

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

Country star Jason Aldean is under fire this week after releasing the music video for his song “Try that in a Small Town.”

The song has a pro-2A, pro-law and order, pro-basic decency message and the video showcases real images of the 2020 riot season.

So of course, the Liberals of America and the Liberals who don’t belong in Country Music, are having a little tantrum over it.

The images are real images and videos from the summer of love riot season 2020. He didn’t make this stuff up, folks!

But leave it to WOKE country music to take issue with it.

CMT even removed the music video over the ridiculous backlash because CMT no longer caters to actual country music fans.

The anti-gun crowd is also having a fit over the Second Amendment references in his song.

Aldean put out a statement addressing the backlash but he should not apologize and should not cede one inch of ground to these people.

And to my fellow patriots, let’s reverse Bud light this and make the song go number one!! You know what to do!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at