Tennessee Republican Senator Marsha Blackburn joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to explain why the Biden administration continues to take a soft approach when it comes to calling out the Chinese Communist Party for issues such as intellectual property theft and alleged human rights violations.

“You know, we’ve got entertainers that get their intellectual property stolen by China. Same thing for some of our auto manufacturers, our aftermarket auto parts industry, even Gibson guitars. The Chinese Communist Party has no qualms about stealing that intellectual property and then undercutting you with your designs and undercutting that price and taking your market share. They look at that as a business model and people are saying, you know, why won’t Joe Biden do something about this? And they’re saying, well, he’s compromised and that’s why he doesn’t call them to account for all the fentanyl that they’re producing that the cartels are distributing and pushing into communities all across this country. It’s why they don’t push them to come clean about COVID-19. It is why they are allowing them to continue to surveil us, whether it’s TikTok or a spy base in Cuba or that spy balloon that sashayed all across the country, and taking pictures all the way. And you know, you had the administration saying, well, when it gets down to the ocean, we’ll shoot it off. I said, the thing was remote controlled. How did they know it was going to go out into the Atlantic Ocean where they could then shoot it down? The Chinese had the data they wanted at that point.”

Senator Blackburn also talks about the shadiness of the Secret Service’s White House cocaine investigation. To hear what else she had to say, listen to the podcast!