Rep. James Comer: FBI Agent Confirmed Hunter Biden Whistleblowers

Rep. James Comer (R-KY), Chairman of Oversight Committee, joined the Guy Benson Show previewing the upcoming hearing from the Oversight Committee discussing the Biden family and alleged peddling in the Hunter Biden Investigation.

Listen to the full interview below:

Full Transcript:

Guy Benson: Joining us now is Congressman James Comer, a Republican of Kentucky. He is chairman of the House Oversight Committee with a very big hearing coming up tomorrow. Mr. Chairman, welcome back to the show.

Rep. James Comer: Thanks for having me.

Guy Benson: All right. Set the stage for us tomorrow where, when and who.

Rep. James Comer: Are at 1:00 Eastern time tomorrow, we’ll have the two whistleblowers who we’ve already read testimony they gave in a closed door transcribed interview to the House Ways and Means Committee where they said that they were very far along in an investigation of the Biden family into many different crimes, crimes that I’ve talked about in the press conferences we’ve had and the findings we found thus far in the House Oversight Committee, but that they were told to stand down. And I had another development yesterday. I had a transcribed interview with an FBI agent who confirmed much of what the two whistleblowers said with respect to the government telling the. IRS agents to stand down. So I think that what you’re going to see tomorrow in the House Oversight Committee is the two whistleblowers are going to probably be a part of a six-hour hearing, and there will be over 50 members in both parties of the oversight committee that are going to be able to ask hopefully very substantive questions. And what I hope to find out is, number one, if there were crimes committed by the Biden family and number two, was there a cover up by our federal government?

Guy Benson: Well, we know that there were some crimes committed by Hunter Biden because he was charged with a handful of them. I know we’ve had experts on this show, legal experts who have said the evidence against Hunter Biden, the president’s son, was so strong across other issues as well. It’s a bit mystifying as to the final charges and how weak they were and how few of them there were. We know that part of this was slow walking and allowing statute of limitations to expire and all of that. One of the main perhaps at least up to this point, the main whistleblower, is this IRS supervisory special agent Gary Shapley, a career guy, not a partisan. He strikes me as very credible in the media interviews that I’ve seen so far with him. There is this other whistleblower as well who’s been known as Mr. X. My understanding is he is going to reveal himself, his identity and testify by name tomorrow. Is that right?

Rep. James Comer: That is correct. America will get to see what he looks like, what he sounds like, and hear what he has to say.

Guy Benson: Is there a reason why he is chosen to be anonymous up to this point and why he is now willing to come forward with his name on the record?

Rep. James Comer: Yeah, you know, he did the right thing. He blew the whistle. That’s what we want. Good government. We want… the career government employees and the majority of government employees are good, upstanding people that try to do the right thing. They saw wrongdoing and they came forward. And he didn’t want to be… he didn’t want his name out there. And that’s what you get when you apply for and get granted whistleblower protection. You can protect your identity so you’re not a victim of harassment. But what he witnessed, quite frankly, was the media and Democrats in Congress attacking every aspect of what their testimony was and, you know, trying to imply that they were biased and what they said wasn’t true. And it made him mad. And he’s to the point where he wants to come forward and he wants to show everyone in America who he is. He stands by his record and he’s willing to enter the tough questions in the toughest environment imaginable. That’s the House Oversight Committee.

Guy Benson: I was on Outnumbered earlier today on the Fox News channel, and I made a prediction. It was a very easy one, a slam dunk, which is almost all, maybe not all, but I would guess the vast majority of your Democratic colleagues on this committee tomorrow are going to use this hearing to attack and assail the integrity of these two men. They are going to come after them hard. They’re going to try to trash them and put them in the most negative light possible because they want to play defense for their own political party. These guys will be, I guess, punching bags, eh? Do you agree with that assessment in terms of prediction? And B, are these two gentlemen prepared for what’s coming their way from the other side of the aisle?

Rep. James Comer: I think so. I hope they’re prepared. I agree with your assessment of the majority of the Democrats on the committee. We’ve already heard Jamie Raskin, Dan Goldman and Markowitz have disparaging comments about the whistleblowers, which just think about it. If you could sit where I’ve sat for the past six years on the House Oversight Committee and listen to the Democrats go on and on about how they’ve got the backs of the federal employees, the federal workforce, and they want to sponsor all these whistleblower protection laws. Right. It’s great if they’re blowing the whistle on Donald Trump, but if they’re blowing the whistle on one of their own in the Democrat Party, then that’s a that’s a no-no, that’s a taboo and you can’t do it. So I think that these whistleblowers have already become victims of their misstatements and misinformation campaigns. But I think the American people realize I’ve said this from day one, the American people that have kept up with this investigation realize it’s not normal behavior for a family to have all these different LLCs and do to accept millions and millions of dollars from foreign nationals. And they can’t explain one thing they did to get the money. And then when they hear that the money was laundered down to the president’s granddaughter while she was at college from a Romanian national, I think most Americans realize that that smells very fishy. And what they’re going to be able to see tomorrow is they’re going to be able to see two of the most credible IRS employees… these are the two employees that are at the highest levels of international tax crimes. So when I say that we believe there have been laws broken. These are the people that determine whether or not those laws have been broken. So this this has the potential to be a very substantive committee hearing. And again, I want the American people to hear firsthand what crimes the Biden’s have committed and what was done to obstruct this investigation. And that’s why that’s why, you know, when they say, well, the Biden’s were never charged, well, there’s a reason they were told to stand down. We’ve heard that from FBI whistleblowers. We’ve heard it from IRS whistleblowers. You know, the list goes on and on.

Guy Benson: Yeah, I think that and Mollie Hemingway said this on the couch earlier. There’s two components, two prongs to this. The first one is what the Biden family did or did not do. And the second one is the pressure brought to bear on the investigators, including just effective, as you call them, stand down orders from people. I know there have been denials on that. And the attorney general has said, no, no, the special counsel could have done whatever he wanted. He actually wasn’t a special counsel. The U.S. attorney could have done whatever he wanted. He wasn’t a special counsel, although he was reportedly telling people he wished he could have been so he could have pursued some of this stuff, whereas Biden appointees in various jurisdictions wouldn’t bring cases. All of that is sort of out there in the atmosphere right now in D.C. In your mind, Mr. Chairman, what are maybe the top two or three questions that you would like to see resolved, if possible tomorrow during the proceedings?

Rep. James Comer: Well, first of all, we want to know if and how the federal government obstructed their investigation. We want to know if part of that obstruction included allowing the statute of limitations to expire, because we believe there were many, many, many more crimes that the president’s son could have been committed where he could have been convicted with, in addition to the president’s brother. But the federal government slow walked this and let the statute of limitations expire. We also want to know if what I’ve been saying all along is true. Are these indeed shell companies? Were they indeed laundering money? And, you know, these are the people that that will be able to answer. These are the ones in the areas that determine who’s laundering money, determine who’s evading taxes, to determine who’s receiving illegal wire from foreign nationals. These are the experts. So I’m really excited about the hearing tomorrow. And I hope that it’s a substantive hearing that the American people can see firsthand and make their own decision as to what they believe the truth is.

Guy Benson: Yeah, And I think you just went through a litany of questions, including why were people allegedly told, you can’t ask those questions, you can’t pursue that evidence, you cannot bring those charges. These are troubling questions, troubling allegations from people who strike me as credible. And people can judge for themselves tomorrow when they hear them under oath. But that whole set of issues that you raised, Mr. Chairman, really belie this stupid talking point from many on the left, that this is just a Republican witch hunt. And Joe Biden just loves his son and he’s got personal failings and they’re trying to weaponize that. This is much, much broader than that. It is much more serious. And we will see how this goes down tomorrow, 1 p.m. Eastern on Capitol Hill. Chairman Comer, thank you for your time.

Rep. James Comer: Thanks for having me.