Texas Republican Congressman Pat Fallon joins Fox Across America With guest host Paul Gleiser to shed light on the scope of the investigation into Hunter Biden’s shady overseas business dealings, and explain why he believes the first son’s alleged influence peddling scheme could ultimately implicate President Biden.

“I do believe in my heart of hearts that this is the largest political scandal in our country’s history. And I don’t say those words lightly. After I read the 10-23 two weeks ago, I was convinced of it. And my heart sank. I take no joy in saying these words. For me and for everyone else that I know that’s working on this, it’s not a partisan issue. It’s about truth. And this is about, really, justice. And we can’t let people get away with influence peddling and selling access to this degree. And I think that Joe Biden has been lying for so long, I don’t think this guy knows what the truth is. Imagine a jigsaw puzzle and there’s pieces all over the table and they all fit together perfectly. Once that occurs, you’d have a clear picture, right? That’s what the 10-23 did for me, because everything that we’ve heard from whistleblowers and the evidence that we’ve uncovered and the bank records that we have seen and just using logic and then catching the Bidens in so many lies, and then the whistleblowers also saying that the FBI and the IRS and the DOJ are dragging their feet and then the 10-23, it fits all together. And I think right now  I can prove a preponderance of the evidence. I think we’re at that threshold, and we’re nearing reasonable doubt.”

Listen to the podcast to hear what else he had to say to Paul!