North Carolina Republican Congressman Greg Murphy joins Fox Across America With Guest host Paul Gleiser to share his birthday wish for the United States as we get to commemorate the 247th anniversary of the day the Declaration of Independence was signed.

“I’d like us to return to the fact that we actually can have honest debate and not hate one another. That’s my gift. It’s become so acrimonious that if somebody disagrees with me, they are personally evil. It’s tragic. It’s absolutely tragic. You know, as a surgeon, I’ve been able to work in a lot of other countries throughout Africa, India, Central America, where there are they have not had this experiment in democracy, this great experiment. And yeah, it’s been messy, absolutely messy. And we’ve done some tragic things in this country. Slavery, of course. But you know what? I think we’ve got it right a lot more a lot more than we’ve got it wrong. I’d like us to get to the point where we can openly discuss things. I’ve pushed this very, very hard on colleges and universities, that you can have civil debate. You can just have civil debate rather than, you know, one side you’re a D and you’re an R, and it’s going to be a civil war. That’s what I would have as my birthday wish for this country.”

To hear what else he had to say to Paul, listen to the podcast!