Democratic strategist Kevin Walling joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to push back on the assertion that President Biden has not been campaigning since launching his 2024 re-election bid back in April.

“Here’s this silly thing about this, in terms of like, I saw the reporting that, oh, he isn’t doing campaign events and stuff like that. Everything the president is doing right now is geared towards reelection. So he’s on the road talking about the infrastructure bill, cutting ribbons, breaking ground. All of that is campaign stuff. He was doing a vets event in North Carolina just a few weeks ago with the first lady. That’s the auspices of the presidency, talking about veterans issues. But that’s a campaign event. And, of course, you know, I talked to some of my Republican friends, I’m marrying one of them, who said that the quote unquote, kickoff event for the reelect with labor in Philadelphia was actually a pretty good event. The crowd was fired up, thousands of people there and folks were engaged. So, you know, and president announced broadband access, billions of dollars going to improve our communities today from the East Wing. And then he’s going back out on the road to talk about that. I mean, any kind of presidential travel is geared towards re-election. And look where he’s going, right? He’s going to all of the battleground states, Michigan, Wisconsin. He’s been to Pennsylvania, I think, every other week touting this kind of stuff. So all that should be viewed through the lens of the re-elect as well.”

Plus, Kevin tells Jimmy which 2024 GOP presidential candidate the Democrats would most like to run against right now. To hear what else he had to say, listen to the podcast!