Former Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to share his reaction to Hunter Biden agreeing to plead guilty to two tax violations and one gun felony following a five-year federal investigation.

“Without seeing the plea agreement, you know, we don’t know if DOJ, what they had, how much they had, how strong of a case they had, and whether they just stop at some certain point because Hunter Biden said, yeah, you know what, I did make this extra million dollars. I didn’t report it these two years, so I’m now going to pay the back taxes, pay it, and you guys give me a misdemeanor, a slap on the wrist, and then everyone walks away saying, hey, it’s all done. Nothing to see here. Let’s move on. And then meanwhile, no one figures out, well, wait a minute, did the big guy get his bump? What happened with, were these funds coming from the Chinese Communist Party? All the stories related to Ukraine. And when Joe Biden served as vice president, was there funds then transferred from one foreign government to an individual tied to the vice president in order to influence a foreign policy decision? So those are like really, really serious life and death matters that just now may be all swept under the rug because they want to give Hunter Biden the slap on the rear end and say nothing to see here. Let’s move on. And then anytime a Republican or somebody points out even a civil libertarian, that wait a minute, Trump’s being treated to a different standard, they say, no, no, no, it’s not true. Because look at Hunter Biden, he pled guilty to a misdemeanor. And so, I mean, I think they’re really teeing this up.”

Mark and Jimmy also talk about whether they think the first son could be facing more legal issues. Listen to the podcast to hear what else he had to say!