New Jersey Democratic Governor Phil Murphy joins Fox Across America With guest host Harry Hurley to share his thoughts on former President Trump pleading not guilty at a Miami federal courthouse to 37 federal felony counts related to his alleged mishandling of classified documents.

“A sad day, kind of regardless of your political persuasion. This has never happened before. I’m a former U.S. ambassador. It is crystal, crystal, crystal clear what the rights and responsibilities are around confidential documents, especially secret and top secret. But frankly, all of them. I’ll give you an anecdote to give you a sense of how seriously it’s taken. Everybody out there knows that United States Marine men and women guard our embassies. And one of the jobs they have is that every night, one of the members of the Marine Corps walks around the entire embassy, particularly inside of the U.S.-only parts of the embassy where confidential documents could be read. And they basically give you, if you think in soccer terms, you basically get a yellow card if you’ve left anything out of your desk overnight. And you only get so many of those yellow cards before you’re sent home. So this is something that our country’s obsessed with, military secrets, protection of whatever it might be of our interests. Which makes this, I think, so grave and such a unique and sad day.”

Plus, Governor Murphy reveals whether he would consider a run for the White House once his term in the Garden State is up. To hear what else he had to say to Harry, listen to the podcast!