Conservatives Found OUR Hill!

The Liberals are shaking in their Birkenstocks, folks. Why? Because the conservative movement has come to play their game and we might even win it!

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

Ever since the conservative and unofficial boycott of Bud Light successfully sent that brand into a tailspin, the Leftists have been in a literal panic.

They aren’t used to conservative banding together to do anything in the last, at least 5 years.

We’ve refused to hold our ground when it comes to voting, the debt ceiling, the border wall, climate change policy, COVID and pretty much everything else.

We’ve abandoned our posts when it came to staving off leftist radicalism in academia, Hollywood, sports, corporate and even mainstreet America.

We let the Left have it all and since, they’ve run roughshod over us while we moan, tweet and that’s about it.

Till, well, now. They pushed us too far because they made the critical error of coming for children!

Most of us didn’t care or mind your rainbows or your parades or your drag extravaganzas.

That was UNTIL you started forcing us to celebrate it and worse, started aiming all that crap at kids, even little kids.

Get used to us, we aren’t going anywhere this time!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at