Media columnist for The Hill and Fox News contributor Joe Concha joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to give his take on whether our country is about to experience a rematch between President Biden and former President Trump in the 2024 election.

“That’s the thing that I keep getting stuck on, like, how could this be the inevitable rematch when you see that almost nobody wants this rematch? And I think the DeSantis campaign is being written off a little too early considering that it isn’t a campaign yet. He hasn’t announced. That whole race with Trump will come down to a debate were DeSantis and Trump are next to each other. And if DeSantis is making the adult argument, the good argument selling his successes in Florida and Trump is just calling him names, I could suddenly see that being the type of game changer where if the other candidates leave like Haley, Pence, and it becomes a two man race, I think then some people are going to come out of the woodwork and be like, I got fatigue. This is enough. You know, there’s always something with this guy, fairly or unfairly. But I think it’s time for young blood a guy who could actually win. I could see that happening.”

Plus, Joe and Jimmy talk about why Left-wing media pundits are lashing out at CNN. To hear what else he had to say, listen to the podcast!