‘Something I’ve Never Seen Before In My Life’: Griff Jenkins On The Record Setting Number Of Migrant Encounters At The Border
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Griff Jenkins, Fox News Channel Correspondent joined the Guy Benson Show to report on what he’s seeing down at the border ahead of Title 42 expiring.
Jenkins described what he has been seeing saying,
“What I’m seeing now to your pointed question, is something I’ve never seen before in my life. Guy. We are seeing numbers that are up taking to record levels. And the first I looked for my CBP sources, looked at the official database of CBP, the computer they look at, and I could see the data. More than 32,000 migrant encounters in just the first four days of May. So you do the math. That’s well over 8000. 8000 is the number. That’s about where we were hovering when we were breaking those records last year. We’re on pace this year To see even more.”