Gen. Jack Keane Reacts To ‘Staggering’ Russian Death Toll As Ukraine Spring Offensive Is Poised To Start

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General Jack Keane, retired 4-star general and Fox News Senior Strategic Analyst joined the Guy Benson Show to react to newly reported Russian casualties in Ukraine as the Ukrainians prepare for their spring offensive.

General Keane reacted to the ‘staggering’ Russian Death Toll saying,

“It’s really quite, quite remarkable. And the numbers are quite staggering because they have a tendency to attack in waves against known enemy positions that have already rendered casualties to them. I mean, there’s a lack of imagination. There’s a lack of leadership there. Still incredibly poor morale in these organizations, despite the fact that they have new mobilized forces that help thicken these organizations. So their offensive that they’ve been at for weeks has not really made any progress.”