South Carolina Republican Congressman Russell Fry joins Fox Across America With guest host Harry Hurley to give his take on how the U.S. has lost respect on the world stage over the last couple of years due to disastrous foreign policy decisions made by the Biden administration.

“This is what happens on the world stage when you trade a General Patton for a Gomer Pyle. And we see that now. We need to project strength. That’s how we deter. That’s how we make sure that things stay as they are and that you don’t allow the slow incursion of totalitarianism across the globe. But we’ve not seen that from this administration. They haven’t projected that strength. You look at any press event that Biden actually shows up for, any public appearance, and you almost feel sad for him in a way that that his family has allowed him to continue to serve in this capacity because you see really a diminished person. So we need to get back to projecting that strength. And fortunately, we’ve got two years in which to do that, to get somebody else in the White House. But in the meantime, we’re going to try to identify the problems that exist because of this administration, from Afghanistan to the border to everything else, propose solutions. Hopefully those get passed into law, that there’s some sane, forward-thinking Democrats that would actually vote for them. But in the meantime, you know, part of our objective is to hold this administration accountable through very rigorous oversight. And we’ve been delivering on that.”

To hear what else he had to say to Harry, listen to the podcast!