Wisconsin Congressman Tom Tiffany joins Fox Across America to tell us how the House Judiciary Committee is fighting back against NY DA Alvin Bragg and his indictment of former President Donald Trump.

“What you’re describing is political prosecution born out of political calculation. And they believe by doing what they did with President Trump, that it helps them win elections. I mean, that calculus, it’s as simple as that. And but it is truly the weaponization. And we continue to push back with the Judiciary Committee, led by our chairman, Jim Jordan. And we are subpoenaing these people. Alvin Bragg has made it clear that he is using federal funds in this effort to go after Donald Trump. We’re going to call him on the carpet in regards to that. And also, I think Chairman Jordan has now sent off a subpoena to one of the actors that moved from the Biden administration to the district attorney’s office and may be driving this. But I got to tell you, people of what I see out here in Wisconsin is that it doesn’t matter whether you like or dislike Donald Trump. It is a matter of do you want your judiciary or our prosecutors to be this involved in going after people? Because This isn’t going to stop just with Donald Trump. I’ll guarantee there’s going to be red state prosecutors at some point are going to say, okay, Joe Biden, you’re no longer president. We’re coming after you.”

Rep. Tiffany also weighed in on Trump’s 2024 outlook and how he needs to stick to policy to gain voters in the middle. Listen to the podcast to hear what else he had to say!