They Fear TRUMP

Donald J. Trump has been officially arraigned but if you think this is gonna hurt him, stop him or even slow him down- you don’t know Donald J. Trump.

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

Tuesday was a dark day for American justice as Donald J Trump became the first US president to be indicted and arraigned.

Donald Trump faces 136 years in prison if convicted of the 34 BS counts against him- all linked to an alleged clerical error and an NDA settlement to a porn star in the amount of $130,000.

With all the money we’ve sent over to Ukraine $130k is what Zelenskyy over there wipes his nose with.

Oh, and YOUR tax dollars have been wasted on this farce.

And if you’re wondering if this whole thing could get anymore corrupt, well, the daughter of the Judge presiding over this case worked for the Joe Biden and Kamala Harris campaign and a slew of other Democrats but I’m sure that’s not a conflict of interest or anything. Nothing to see there.

But folks I’m not gonna try to make sense of this because it’s senseless.

All I can tell ya is that Trump will prevail and he will overcome- he’s done it before and he will do it again and again and again.

I’m not worried about Trump. What terrifies me- and what should terrify you- is how terrified the swamp is of Donald J. Trump!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at