Chris Christie: DeSantis, Trump Are In ‘Candyland’ Over Ukraine Stance

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Chris Christie, was 55th Governor of New Jersey Governor joined the Guy Benson Show to react to recent statements by former President Donald Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis on continued support for Ukraine.

Christie unloaded on Trump and DeSantis saying,

“I love people in our party who spend day after day after day talking about freedom and liberty. But freedom and liberty only apply to those people who live within their jurisdiction and not any place else around the world. If they don’t think that what Russia is doing in Ukraine, if they think rather it’s a territorial dispute, as Ron DeSantis said, that sounds like Neville Chamberlain talking about Germany’s intentions and interests in Czechoslovakia before World War Two. They want a territorial disputed guy. It’s when you do a survey on your property where you live and your neighbor’s fence is six inches over to your outside your border. It’s not when you roll tanks and artillery into a free democratic country and try to take their property by force. Secondly, if we don’t believe that this is a proxy war by China against us, that China is already engaged in a broad proxy war against the United States, then the people who think. Right, including governors DeSantis or President Trump are in Candyland because we see them doing what they’re doing, supporting the Russians, buying their oil and funding this war.”

Christie took particular aim at DeSantis’s recent statement on Ukraine support saying,

That’s elementary school leadership. Okay. We should never spend money anywhere where we don’t know where the money’s going and how it’s being used. So if that’s some type of cutting edge leadership from Tallahassee, then maybe they need to get a little more sophisticated down there. And in terms of boots on the ground, I ever heard anybody nor be advocate for that.”