Libs Call Big Tech Hearing “Waste of Time”

House Republicans put former Twitter executives on blast and confirmed what we already knew, Twitter LIED and free speech DIED!

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

The House Oversight Committee grilled former Twitter executives on Capitol Hill.

It started out as a probe into that whole Hunter Biden laptop coverup and turned into a game of show and tell where Republican representatives showed former Twitter executives their illegal activities, making Twitter executives sweat like a climate change liberal in Church!

Sounds to me like at the bare minimum these tech folks: lied under oath (that’s perjury), had illegal engagements with government entities, interfered in elections, and colluded with government officials to censor conservatives.

The hearing was a good first step and I’m proud of House Republicans for doing it. Democrats, on the other hand, called it a waste of time.

For them, holding big tech accountable for illegal activities is a waste of time and resources but the RussiaGate investigation, 2 sham impeachments and an entire January 6th committee was a good use of time!

Go figure!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at