Sean Davis: Democrats Should Be The Last People Lecturing Us About SOTU Decorum

Co-Founder and CEO of The Federalist Sean Davis joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to share his reaction to President Biden bragging during his State of the Union address about the number of jobs employers have created since he took office two years ago.

“If you look at just the numbers that come out of the Labor Department, like their payroll numbers, they’ll look at the graph and they’ll say, okay, we were at this number in June of 2020. It was really low, and we’re at this number now. And the difference between those two numbers is how many jobs Biden’s created. To them, that’s all it is, which is silly. I mean, it’d be like chopping off your own leg and going to a doctor and getting a prosthesis and being like, I created a leg today. No, you didn’t. You don’t get credit for stuff just going back to the way it was before this awful pandemic and government response to it. But I think they convinced themselves it’s true. So much of these spectacles and so much of the stuff from the Left is about programing their own side. They’re all blank slates. They’re just waiting to be programed. They were told that Biden created these jobs. They’re good to go at that point. And I’m not sure there’s much thought that goes into it after that.”

Plus, Sean weighs in on the latest effort by Democrats to downplay the significance of the Hunter Biden laptop story. Listen to the podcast to hear what else he had to say!