Howard Kurtz On Biden White House Staying Quiet Over Classified Doc Scandal: “Infuriating And Exasperating”

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Howard Kurtz, host of Fox News’s “MediaBuzz” joined the Guy Benson Show to talk about the Biden White House’s refusal to answer basic questions surrounding the classified document scandal hanging over the Biden administration.

Kurtz reacted to the White House’s lack of answers saying,

“The public was told about this because of scoops by CBS and NBC, not because the Biden White House suddenly decided to come clean. You know what infuriating and exasperating about this is? This is a bit of information that actually could have helped the White House narrative, because there’s been weeks of talk about, well, how come the FBI conducted a search of Mar a Lago with a court order? I would add, you know, in the whole Donald Trump saga, which was treated as a DEFCON one controversy until we find out about Mike Pence and, of course, President Biden. But now that we know that the FBI did, you know at the invitation of the Biden lawyers, uh, conduct a search, it sort of takes that argument off the table. But there are too dumb politically to figure that out. And also, just like, why hold all this stuff back?”