Rep. James Comer: It’s Concerning Hunter Biden Was Living In A House With Classified Documents Lying Around

Kentucky Republican Congressman and House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to shed light on the importance of investigating President Biden’s handling of classified documents, and how this could all tie into his son Hunter’s shady overseas business dealings.

“Look, the Biden family influence peddling scheme is taking in millions of dollars from China and millions of dollars from Ukraine. Now, why are they investing this much money with the Bidens? They expect to get something in return. And what our concern is, is this family and this White House is compromised because of all the money they’ve taken from these shady characters in these foreign countries. So when we find out that there’s classified documents misplaced, lying around in a place where Hunter Biden and both of Joe Biden’s brothers, who are all in the influence peddling scheme, are in and out of, then it’s a concern and it is an integral part of the influence peddling investigation.”

Plus, Rep. Comer talks about why the House Oversight Committee is going to hold hearings next month on the Biden administration’s border policies. To hear what else he had to say, listen to the podcast!