Rep. Greg Steube: House Republicans Will Subpoena People And Ask Tough Questions About The Biden Classified Docs

Florida Republican Congressman Greg Steube joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to discuss the importance of investigating President Biden’s handling of classified documents, and how this is all possibly related to his son Hunter’s overseas business dealings.

“There’s so many questions that surround all of this. The timing, the fact that they had this information before the midterms and didn’t make it public, the fact that now all of a sudden they’re making it public, the fact that they find documents here and then documents there, and now we’re finding out that Hunter Biden had access to the house. And then we find out that actually, Hunter was paying his dad 50 grand a month for the house. So that’s a backdoor way of paying the Big Guy for the money that Hunter’s getting from the Chinese Communist Party and from the Ukrainians and Burisma and all these other backdoor deals that feed this corruption that has laid out what is the Biden family. And each day we get more and more information. And thankfully now that we have the majority, we can actually start subpoenaing these individuals, put them under oath and deposing them and asking them tough questions.”

Rep. Steube also shares details on the GOP-controlled House’s upcoming probe into the U.S.’s tumultuous troop withdrawal from Afghanistan in the summer of 2021. To hear what else he had to say, listen to the podcast!