Chris Bedford: 2022 Was The Year People Really Became Aware Of The Deep Fissures In The American System

Executive Editor of the Common Sense Society magazine Chris Bedford joins Fox Across America With guest host Ben Domench to reflect on some of the major political developments of the past year, and how a lot more people became aware of the significant problems that exist within our system of government.

“These past couple of years, especially since COVID, have exposed how much is broken. It reminds me of that great essay from 2020 that’s called ‘Everything is Broken’ that goes into the problems we had in the medical field. But the American people are looking around and we can’t count on these basic things anymore. And Washington politicians are still going back and forth arguing about inflation, which is hitting people for real and taxation policy and this and that. But very few of them are actually talking about the deep fissures and deep problems in the American system. And I think the consumer and the average person are starting to become aware of it. I mean, just a couple of years ago, you’d maybe come home for Christmas or Thanksgiving and no matter how bad things were politically, you’d hear relatives say, well, don’t worry, it’s a pendulum, it’ll swing back. And of course, that was never true. And finally, I think that optimism, that don’t worry, it’s all going to be better, has gone away, which is not a great between Christmas and New Year’s message, but at least people being awake is an important change of this last year.”

Chris and Ben also talk about why Democrats have been hesitant to deal with the actual issues going on in our country right now. To hear what else he had to say, listen to the podcast!