Don’t Ask Joe About This…

President Joe is apparently ticked off that the media is so fixated on his age.

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

Joe Biden is sick and tired of people- particularly in the media- bringing up his age.

Earlier this week Politico reported that our illustrious president has “vented to allies” about how much his age is discussed in the media.

He reportedly ranted to an acquaintance saying, “You think I don’t know how f–ing old I am?”

Well Joe, let me clear it up, no we are not sure if you know how old you are because we aren’t even confident you know who and where you are much of the time.

Perhaps if he didn’t stumble, stutter, fumble and gaffe so regularly, we wouldn’t be so concerned about his old age in seemingly progressive dementia.

And if he’s seriously gonna run again in 2024, we’ve got a lot more questions to ask! His cognitive ability is declining by the day and it’s unavoidable at this point.

Donald Trump is just a few years younger than Joe but infinitely sharper.

Age is just a number and Joe Biden is 80 but he doesn’t look or sound a day over 125.

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at